Senior Reps will help me market my business for Senior Session Season (spring-early fall)!
I am looking for high school seniors who are fun, joyful, excited to be photographed, friendly and full of life!
You will have the opportunity to earn a FREE stuff by helping me out!
Once you are selected to be a Rep, you will automatically receive your Individual senior session which includes 50 edited images with print rights, PLUS Other fun opportunities throughout the year to model for me.
You will get first sign up for model calls throughout the year. To kick start the program I will hold a fun group shoot, where I will do individual portraits at as well. You will also choose the season you want your ultimate session. This will be focused on YOU and your likes.
All you have to do is share the photos I took, post behind the scenes shots, tag my business and tell all your friends about me! #laurenbeersphotography #LBPSeniors #LBP2023
It is required you share at least twice a month. You must share tLauren Beers Photography Senior Model Applicationo instagram, and Facebook. If you do not have Facebook your parents have to share and tag.
For every referral you send my way, you will be entered to won $250 CASH! The spokesmodel with the most referrals by Oct. 31st will win. You must have at least 3 referrals to be eligible to win. Referrals must be for high school seniors only.
There will also be opportunities to win additional prizes with more referrals and amount of times you share Lauren Beers Photography content on your social media pages. On top of the cash drawing for each referral you will receive $25 print credit.
*Referrals must book and pay, for it to count towards your earnings by October 31st 2019!
*$200 is due when chosen as a rep. $200 is due 5 days before your individual sessions.
*Referral deadline is Oct. 31st 2022. Sessions may take place after this date, but must be booked and paid prior to date.
* You Must Like Lauren Beers Photography on Facebook and Share Lauren Beers Photography Page with all your friends and family to earn anything. Also must agree to represent Lauren Beers Photography only entire year.
Can’t wait to hear from YOU!
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